Serving Veterans and The South Bay Community Since 1920
American Legion South Bay, Post 184

Winter Spring 2025 Updates
American Legion South Bay Post 184 Members, Guests and Friends,
Winter is upon us, and although it’s cold some days, we haven’t had a drop of rain yet; we hope we see some soon. Here are a few quick notes about what’s happening here at Post 184. We hope everyone had a nice holiday season.
As you know, we have updated the Website, and we continue to add new features when we have the time. We want to point out the shared calendars, which display all of the scheduled events and things happening here at Post 184. You can see it at, which also has a pull-down for big events like our four BBQ celebrations throughout the year. Each of these promises to be lots of fun…

Volunteers Needed
American Legion South Bay Post 184 Members,
As you know, volunteering is the lifeblood of any good organization. One of our favorite quotes about volunteering is from William Shakespeare: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” We here at The American Legion South Bay are all about giving, and we have some needs here, too. Some are small, one or two events in nature, while others are larger and take more time.
Over the years, a number of individuals have given selflessly to improving this Post and its good works. Some of those folks are still here, continuing to work and give back to the organization. Some are sadly no longer with us, and some are just joining our…

Donate To Helmets For Heroes
Post 184 Members! Help out California Veterans!
Helmets for Heroes is a fundraising initiative organized by the California American Legion Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation (VA&R) Division, which has provided essential services to hundreds of thousands of veterans in California for 80 years. Without the American Legion’s expertise, tens of thousands of disabled veterans in California would not have the support they have earned and deserve. Your donation to the Department of California American Legion Foundation (CALVAR) empowers the VA&R to continue this vital service for our deserving veterans.
To donate at Post 184, please ask the bartender for the Helmets For Heroes helmet; two are located behind the bar. A small donation of just a few dollars…
What We Do
American Legion South Bay Post 184 is dedicated to supporting South Bay Veterans and their families through advocacy, outreach, and community-based programs. We provide donations, resources, assistance, and a support network to honor their sacrifices and ensure they receive the care and support they deserve. Fundraisers and donations from our members and the public support these programs.
Additionally, Post 184 is dedicated to improving our community through philanthropic efforts, including sending students to Boys and Girls State, supporting Scouting programs, a local ROTC program, the American Legion Baseball program, providing scholarships to local high schools, and helping fund the Redondo Beach Veterans Memorial.

About Us
American Legion South Bay Post 184 has served the coastal communities of the Los Angeles South Bay area since 1920. Read more about the programs and services we support.

We have multiple fun events for the whole family throughout the year in our backyard under the trees and tents

Banquet Hall Rental
Looking for a place for your upcoming event? Our Banquet Hall and backyard facilities are available for your next event