American Legion South Bay Post 184 Members,
Volunteering is the lifeblood of any great organization. One of our favorite quotes about volunteering is from William Shakespeare: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” We here at The American Legion South Bay Post 184 are all about giving, and we have some needs here, too. Some are small, one or two events in nature, while others are larger and take more time.
Over the years, a number of individuals have given selflessly to improving this Post and its good works for Vets and The Community. Some of those folks are still here, continuing to work and give back to the organization. Some are sadly no longer with us, and some are just joining our Post and getting involved. We have several opportunities for people to volunteer and help our Post with its missions. We will keep growing this list as feedback comes in from the leaders of each of the Units (Legion, SALs, Auxiliary, and Riders), but we will start with what we have collected to date:
1. Social Media Support, Facebook and Instagram. Post 184 has a large presence on Social Media! We utilize Facebook and Instagram to get our message out about our events, create interest and awareness about Post 184, and keep in touch with our members and the public. We need a volunteer to Post messages on both platforms, as often as you have the time. Two or three volunteers would work well, or a single motivated individual would be great, too! Posting to both platforms is easy now; a tool allows for scheduling posts in advance and to both platforms simultaneously. Experience in writing with a friendly, upbeat style and experience with graphic tools like Canva, Adobe Express, or others is helpful. We usually post three to five times a week. Contact socialmediapost184@gmail.com, and we will get right back to you. Thanks for your interest!
2. Help coordinate the American Legion MCJR ROTC Program for Redondo Union High School. In High School, pride and self-confidence are paramount, and this program supports those personal goals at the High School level for their ROTC program. Every year, the American Legion South Bay Post 184 presents one Bronze Military Excellence Medal to the most qualified cadet. That individual must be at the top of their class in all things Military. The 2nd medal that Post 184 sponsors is the American Legion Bronze Scholastic Medal, presented to the high school cadets who have maintained a 3.0 or higher GPA in all their academic and after-school classes. The post representative will attend their banquet as well. The position requires coordinating special events in which the ROTC needs to appear. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who likes working with young adults in a Military-like setting and understands what The ROTC stands for. The position will require coordination with the Sergeant who manages the program. Please contact Jesse Leal with any questions or to get involved.
3. Manage the American Legion South Bay relationship with Redondo Union High School in supplying scholarships for three to four individuals for their college efforts. This effort requires an individual who is good with young adults to interview, share, and work with the schools and parents, ultimately assisting in choosing the winners of the scholarships. The American Legion South Bay Post 184 annually provides two $1000 scholarships to qualified Senior students attending Redondo Union High School. Additionally, in 2024, our Sons of The American Legion (SALs) Post 184 Squadron provided an additional $1000 scholarship to a qualified senior student at Redondo Union High School. To qualify, each student must compose and submit a portfolio of accomplishments. The composition includes their GPA, community involvement, and, most importantly, a family member currently serving or has served. This can be a brother, sister, father, uncle, cousin, or grandparent. Each applicant also submits a short essay documenting how that individual has influenced them. The position requires the individual and the SAL Leadership team to vet each student’s application for content and correctness. Please contact Jesse Leal with any questions.
4. Assist and coordinate Post 184’s support of Boys and Girls State. NOTE for clarity: There are TWO programs, one supported by The ALA and one by The AL. This is for the AL position. The position requires coordination with five high schools in the South Bay, from which 20 delegates are ultimately selected. American Legion South Bay Post 184 strongly supports the Boys and Girls State program. The American Legion Boys & Girls State is a summer leadership and citizenship program for high school juniors, which focuses on exploring the mechanics of American government and politics. Boys and girls are usually nominated by their high school during their junior year. Post 184 sponsors individuals for the week in Sacramento and donates for travel expenses and other costs. Participants spend an entire week learning the complexities of citizenship: rights, privileges, and responsibilities. The program aims to cultivate a diverse generation of informed citizens equipped to tackle tomorrow’s challenges and uphold the principles of democracy, integrity, and service to others. Please contact Jesse Leal with any questions.
We appreciate your consideration of any help and volunteering you can provide to our great organization. To volunteer, inquire, or request an addition to our volunteer requirements that’s not listed here, please email either Jesse Leal or Chuck Tipton.