American Legion South Bay Post 184 Members, Guests and Friends,
Winter is upon us, and although it’s cold some days, we haven’t had a drop of rain yet, hope we see some soon. Just a few quick notes about what’s going on here at Post 184. Hope everyone had a nice holiday season.
As you know, we have updated the Website, and we continue to add new features when we have the time. We would like to point out the shared calendar, which displays all of the scheduled events and things that are going on here at Post 184. You can see it at, which also has a pull-down for the events, like our four BBQ celebrations throughout the year. We hope you can come to those great events, they are lots of fun (and tasty!) More to come on the BBQ celebrations as we get closer to the actual dates.
Exciting updates to our facility are happening too! Many volunteers, including the Boy Scouts, are updating and remodeling our Main Hall. If you remember, another Eagle Scout painted the hall last year, and now new ceilings, new lighting, and refinished floors are on the remodeling agenda. We thank the volunteers, the Scouts, and all of the Post 184 Units that contributed donations to this effort. It’s going to look great.
Our regular meetings for each of the Units represented here at Post 184 haven’t changed; please stop by and participate. We need Volunteers for several projects and would appreciate your participation; it really helps. Thanks for your consideration and participation. Click on
With Monday night football ending, note the change in our hours of operation, just click on to display when the Post and The Canteen are open.