Organization: (Please print) __________________________________________________________________

Date Reserved: ______________ From:______________ to:__________________     
(No rental shall last more than five (5) hours or later than 10:00 P.M.. Non-Profit Rentals are available Monday thru Thursday from 12 noon to 10:00P.M. excluding regularly schedule Post Events. Rental is for Main Hall only. Chair and tables are included but Hall must be clean and in condition found unless other arrangements are made.)


Type of Function__________________________________________________
Estimated number of guest’s ___________________________________________
(Parking is limited. Events larger the 30+ will have to use surface street parking.)

Rental Fee; $25.00

Total due $25.00. Deposit, non-refundable ($25.00) *Required to lock-in date.

Date paid: ________________


An additional $10.00 fee is required should your organization desire the use of the Legion Post 184 Canteen to purchase alcoholic beverages. A seven day noticed is required for the Legion Post 184 to acquire a one-time permit. No alcoholic beverages may be brought in or consumed on the property that is not purchased from Legion Post 184.

Under no circumstances will anyone under twenty-one (21) years old be provided or consume alcoholic beverages in or on Legion Post 184 premises. Anyone violating these conditions will be asked to leave the Post immediately as per State of California Alcohol Beverage Control rulings. The renter assumes full financial responsibility for any damages and/or theft of Legion Post 184 property or injury to other persons caused by renter and his/her guests.


I, the Renter (Signature) _____________________________ have read in full & agree to provisions in this Rental Agreement.

Your affiliation or position:____________________________________________

Address _____________________________ City ___________________________ State _______ Zip code ______________ Phone: (___) __________


Hall Manager or Agent ___________________________________

Date: _______________ Carbon required.

 [Retain original, give carbon copy to renter.]


 Disclaimer: American Legion South Bay Post 184 reserves the right to deny these privileges to any organization that is deemed, by the Officers of South Bay Post 184, to be inappropriate or not in the best interest of the Post 184 Membership, The American Legion or the community at large.

         *Due to the demand for use of our facilities, a deposit is required to guarantee your rental time & date. In absence of this signed Contract ( or facsimile there of), South Bay Post 184 will incur no liabilities for “assumed scheduled events”.